
by HFagelman ~ February 23rd, 2012. Filed under: Poetry.

You can laugh or you can cry

You can stand or sit or lie


Maybe you just heat up like some pipe coal

Give off a stink and some flame and then

Nothing but ash


You can bring your friends

Prop ’em up like some shield

Baste yourself in their accomplishments

Stew in their suffering but mostly

Hang out in the back


You can attack the world with

Sharp knives and attitude

Bring out the loud drums

Stain the walls with your sound


You can tuck down into a ball

Chin on chest and sobbing

Ignore the love and hate surrounding

Give in to the me-grims


You can imagine heaven

Think about clouds and Angels and harpsichords

Wonder at the fantasy that is much like

Spending lottery winnings you haven’t won yet


You can fill yourself with power

Kill the infidels and disavowed

Burn down the non-believers

Wrap yourself in War


You can just wait and see

Pick the grass between your toes and

Watch it all unfold

Like an endless channel surf


You can be

More than you ever  knew

Because you imagined it so

Because you made it real


You can write poetry


©2012 Harry Fagel all rights reserved

1 Response to Or…

  1. Leilani

    I like that one!! Good job honey!

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